Sunday, July 1, 2012

Entry 11: Interview

The interview process was very imformational, especially becoming a new teacher, I could use all the help and "ticks" that I can gather. I interviewed a litereacy coach who also teaches kindergarden. These are some of the questions I asked with her responses:

- Do you have a co-teaching realtionship with the students' full time classroom teacher or is more of a just what the student needs?
   She said that depending on the student depends on what she does. She does have students where they need more one-on-one instruction and she often will find out what they are working on reading and writing and go about it that way and other times she says she will sit in classroom and do her coaching in the classroom itself, she says it makes the student feel a little more comfortable and she can see how he/she is as a student in the classroom versus one-on-one.

- How do you link language learning with the reading writing aspect of education?
  She simply said it all depends on the child. Some kids you dive right into reading and writing, while others it might take longer to be able to link them all together. She said the most important thing about teaching langauge learners is to not overwhelm them. She said that if they feel overwhelm the student tends to close up and not perform as they should, they get scared.

After this interview I definitely learned, and compared it to my philosophy of teaching, that every child can learn, jsut at different paces.

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