Thursday, May 17, 2012

Entry 4 Unfamiliar Text

This entry definitely had me thinking... I could not find a book that i was unfamiliar with unless it was a new book I wanted to read, but the language I understood so that did not work out so well. The story that comes to my mind that I always had a hard time with the language, or how it was writen was "Romeo and Juliet." I would always get confused by the language in that play. So some strategies I came up with for that was:
  • Contex clues in the sentence to figure out what the sentence is trying to convey
  • Re-read the sentence
  • Look in a doctionary to determine defintions
  • Ask for help
  • Close your eyes and envision yourself in the scene you are reading, and imagine what you would say if you were the character
I will add more as I come across texts I am unsure of and see how I would respond.

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